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A woman who was elected as pope

Myths rarely outside the classical matrix was the center figure Papeshës Giovanna, who denies the story, but that time has given life stories and films.
May recall here the stories of Boccaccio, Apollinaire or Lawrence Durrell, and Snoke film Wortman in 2009, not forgetting many theatrical performances.
Legend, prevalent in the 13th century, shows that between the years 853-855, a woman dressed as a man was elected Pope and ruled the church, while in a process felt pain, was sent to San Clemente and gave birth to son causing surging its faithful.
Giovanna, according to legend, was a girl with English origin but born in Magonza of Italy, who fell in love with a young, dedicated following studies.
To stay with him, she decided to dress as a man and to devote just as he studies. On her figure theological studies show that it continued to dress as a man, going from Athens, Rome and then selecting the name Pope Giovanni VIII.
Despite the office, she did not give up on love and had results above. Variants of the end thereof are different. One of them says that once it was discovered, she teamed with a horse legs that dragged outside the walls of the Holy See.

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